We will provide you with clear, accessible, timely, and easy to understand information from Octavia on issues that matter to you.
- When you call our main switchboard number, we will answer within 120 seconds.
- We will return calls that relate to emergencies within 24hrs. All other calls will be returned within 5 working days.
- When we receive your written communication i.e. emails and letters, we will: acknowledge within 3 working days; provide a full response within 10 working days unless we request to extend our response, because more time is needed to provide the response.
- We will adapt our communication for residents where there is literacy, language or needs for other formats: e.g. interpretation/ translation, braille, large print, induction loop, pictorial, etc.
- We will share information on how we are performing and the latest updates of our services on our website and in our quarterly e-newsletters to residents (with some printed copies made available for non-digitally connected residents).
- We will publish an annual residents’ report.
How we will measure success
- We will publish the results of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) surveys.
- We will monitor our key performance indicators.
- We will carry out service audits to ensure we are tailoring our communications.
- We will benchmark our performance against other housing providers and publish our results.
Together with Tenants charter commitments
Residents will receive clear, accessible, and timely information from their housing association on the issues that matter to them. These include important information about their homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.